Pain in the lower back is a common problem. Often the symptoms are short-lived, but sometimes lower back symptoms last longer or are chronic. They can occur slowly or suddenly. In many cases, the physical therapist can reduce or even completely resolve back pain. The physical therapist can also help investigate the cause of lower back complaints and support the family doctor or physician.

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Sportpark Brandevoort 1
5706 KG Helmond


low back pain - Fysiotherapie de Jong

Causes of lower back pain

Many people experience acute back pain sometime in their lives. There are many factors that increase the likelihood of lower back pain. Such as stress, obesity and prolonged sitting, all combined with a lack of exercise. Nowadays, it is unthinkable that many people spend much of the day sitting at a computer. But even people who have to do a lot of driving to and from work can experience lower back pain. In many cases of acute pain in the back, it is preceded by a heavy workload: people have worked hard the day before, or in the garden. The back muscles are then fatigued, which can cause sudden back pain. This is sometimes called lumbago or acute lumbago. The pain can radiate to one or both legs. It is possible that pressure on the nerve is involved, but this is not always the case.

What can you do to reduce pain?

Usually, acute back pain recovers on its own within 1-2 weeks. Fysiotherapie de Jong can give you exercises and advice on better lifestyle to improve the recovery process and prevent symptoms in the future.

How does Fysiotherapie De Jong work?

When you come to fysiotherapie de Jong for an intake session, your therapist will examine what is causing your lower back symptoms and what structures are involved. Then a treatment plan for physio lower back will be drawn up with you. Treatment can range from manual actions on the couch to advice and exercise therapy with us in the exercise room. Our physical therapists with a specialization in treating the back can support you. Contact us if you have any questions or to make an appointment for physio lower back!

Team Fysiotherapie de Jong