Sports physical therapy is a specialization within physical therapy, just like manual therapy or pediatric physical therapy, for example. Within sports physiotherapy, the sports physio specializes in rehabilitation for specific sports injuries, but also in active rehabilitation in injuries that are not sports-related. For example, think of active rehabilitation for complaints in the low back.

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Tonnaerstraat 13
5622 KX Eindhoven


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5621 DE Eindhoven


Sportpark Brandevoort 1
5706 KG Helmond


low back pain - Fysiotherapie de Jong

Customized sports physio with the expertise of Fysiotherapie de Jong

If you are looking for a sports physio in Eindhoven or Helmond then the team at Fysiotherapie de Jong can certainly help you. Rob van de Ven and Raymond de Jong are specialized as sports physio, but they also manage colleagues who, under their supervision, perform parts of the sports rehabilitation. So it could be that during a rehab you will be dealing with 2 different sports physios.

The examination at the sports physio is similar to the other specializations within physiotherapy. First, an interview is used to identify the complaint. Then, a focused examination is performed to determine if something is not moving properly, for example. The sports physio will also possibly perform research on movement in your specific sport. So it could be that part of the examination is also performed in the exercise room by the sports physio.

Sports-specific care and active rehabilitation at sports physio

The treatment process at the sports physio consists mostly of active exercise therapy. The sport physio will work with you to develop a treatment plan in which you slowly build up to resuming your specific sport. For example, after a cruciate ligament surgery. After surgery, the sports physio will first guide you through the recovery from surgery, such as wound healing. After that, sports physio consists of building strength. At first quietly, but later in the process really heavy strength exercises. Everything to regain basic strength. After that, you will do more sport-specific exercises with the sports physio, such as jumping and running forms. Furthermore, the sports physio will also challenge you with stability exercises and condition training.

So, in addition to sports-specific rehabilitation, the sports physio is also involved in active rehabilitation for back and neck pain, for example. Again, rehabilitation often consists of strength training, core-stability training and the sports physio will also challenge you with conditional exercises. Of course, this rehabilitation can also focus on specific movements you need to make in your job. Think of people who work in construction or agriculture, but it can also be focused on people with a sedentary job. Here complaints can often arise in the lower back and/or neck/shoulders, which can be solved with active rehabilitation at sports physio.

Thus, the sports physio is involved in very many complaints and rehabilitation processes. Within our practice, the sports physio also often works together with colleagues with other specializations, such as a manual therapist. So it may be that during a rehabilitation process another specialization is also used. For example, it may be important to improve the mobility of a lower back or neck. This does not fit within the specialization of a sports physio, but certainly within the specialization of a manual therapist. So, together with colleagues, the sports physio determines the best interpretation of the treatment.  

If you have any questions about sports physio please contact us!

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