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  • Manual therapist i.o.
  • General physiotherapy
  • Rehabilitation after knee/hip replacements
  • Physio/kinesio tape: medical taping concept
  • Dry Needling
  • Movement Pedagogy

Working on location Medisch Centrum Boschdijk.


What I like most about my work is: real contact with people! I make every treatment and every contact personal. My approach is guiding and coaching so that you as a patient are as independent as possible and you can incorporate my advice into your daily life. My qualities of flexibility and creativity are reflected in this.

Fall 2021, I started training to become a Master manual therapist. I love treating many different people and complaints. I especially enjoy guiding young athletes (I treat and coach you so you can get back to your passion as soon as possible) and I am energized when I notice that people realize there is more to your life than just your physical complaint.

Click here to make an appointment with Rob van der Plaat directly.

Rob van der Plaat

Physical therapist | manual therapist i.o.

BIG number: 19924943004
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday